Formerly the property of Laurence George Steyner, commonly spelt Stayner. He was born on 7th July 1869. He passed out from the RMC in 1890. In 1891 he received the Instructors Certificate in Signalling, in 1892 the Officers certificate in Musketry and in 1894 the Instructors Certificate in Military Engineering. He served at home from 25 March 1890 to 29 September 1895, and in Malta from 30 September 1895 to 14 September 1898. He also served in the South African Campaign and received the South Africa Medal. He was seconded to the Foreign Office in 1899. He was married 2 Oct 1903 and his rank at that time was Captain. London Gazette 2 Oct 1919 Major & Brevet Lt Colonel Army Pay Dept. In 1939 he was recorded as living in Ryde, Isle of Wight, and gave his rank as Lt Colonel Retd.
The Wilkinsons sales register for this sword records that Steyner was serving in the 33rd Duke of Wellington’s Regiment at the time that he purchased this sword.